New Year means New Website

Happy New Year!

We hope you liked our brand teaser and are ready for some V I S U A L < > U P D A T E S !


Here at denkbots we are ringing in the new year with an expansion of our brand! We have reinforced our motto “Learn, Create, Inspire” with new iconography and corresponding color palette!



We have also updated our website to allow you to more easily find content in three categories: Learn (articles, links, and other resources), Create (things we have created), Inspire (shows and entertainment).

We hope you enjoy our new website and expanded brand! Try out the new pages below to get started!

If you would like to follow along with our BattleBots Season 3 redesign/build (like exclusive teasers, podcasts, and build videos) and future content please like us on Facebook; follow us on TwitterInstagram, Flickr, and Google+; subscribe on YouTube; and fumble us on Tumblr!

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