
Here at denkbots, several of our team members are FIRST mentors and alumni.  In our continued effort to give back to the community that has given us so much, we have attempted to share our knowledge (like we did last season) via a “Conceptual Robot in Three Days” or cRi3D, based on the popular Robot in Three Days project.

We did three segments to explain our approach to brainstorming and product design, in hopes that other mentors and teachers who might not be familiar with this approach may adapt and employ it to broaden their students’ horizons.

The three segments are:

  1. Game Theory
  2. Strategy and Research
  3. Robot Requirements

These three segments culminated in The Reveal of our cRi3D!

As always, our goal is not to give the answer; it is to teach the process.  We hope these articles will expose you to some new techniques and help those new mentors who can find the start of a new season a little bit overwhelming.

denkbot is ready for our 2017 cRi3D for FIRST STEAMWORKS

Please feel free to join the conversation on our Facebook or Twitter with your questions, thoughts, and feedback on these articles!